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What Are Google Cached Pages and How Can You View Them?

What Are Google Cached Pages?


When the web pages aren't responding or the website is slow the cached pages by Google are the most useful asset assets, especially for a website development company and SEO company to check for the old HTML of the webpage. If you want to understand the cached pages, in simple words we can say that Google crawls the different web pages and makes the raw HTML copies of them which helps the web developers and website owners to refer to them when the website is slow and responding. A Google cached file is a raw page of HTML which is being made at the time of crawling and is saved in the server.

What Are the Benefits of Google Cached Pages?


There are several benefits that many big companies, web design development companies, and SEO companies are using to make their websites more valuable, advanced, and profitable. If you are not taking any advantage of the cached files then read the reasons below and tell your hired SEO Company in Delhi to use them and optimize your website.

- Cutting Edge Analysis of Competitor’s Sites: Let’s take an example to understand this point. Suppose you are the Best SEO Company In India and when you search for the popular keyword like SEO companies in India or SEO companies nearby, your website ranks in the number one spot in the search results. Your rank is at the number one spot for 6 months constantly but suddenly your website started showing on the number 2 or number 3 spot overnight. There is no major update, or your competitors are using the same keywords they were using earlier, or you did not make any changes on your website but still, you have the rankings. Hence, to know the reason for the same, you can refer to their cached pages and analyze the techniques and changes your competitors have used to optimize their website which helped them to rank higher.

- Caches Help You To Know How Your Website Pages Are Indexed: Caches help the website owner, web design and development company, and SEO Services in Delhi to know how their website pages and their client’s website pages are being indexed. One can use the caches to also show how often Google is indexing the website and if the content you are sharing is worthy and valuable to your targeted audiences.

- Google Cache Helps to Identify Content Errors: With the help of google cached pages if you check out the text-only view you will be able to see all the mistakes in the content. The mistakes like grammatical mistakes, errors, keyword stuffing, plagiarism, which is a complete no in the SEO world. So using the cache, especially if you are a blogging website owner or the SEO Agency in delhi is working for your client's blog site, is a very useful tool.

- Check And Implement What Google Cached: If you are someone who is doing everything yet the results aren't as near the expectation and want to know what your competitors are doing differently that they are ranking so high then checking out the cached pages is the greatest advantage you could use. With the Google cached pages collecting information that what your competitors are doing and what the Googlebot are liking you can also implement those to your site. Well, we suggest not to copy everything, be unique with those tactics too.

- Helps You to Check When Google Last Time Crawled Your Website: If you are curious about the fact that when was the last time google crawled on your website or how often does google crawl through your website then you can get the answer with the help of Google cached files.

What Are the Limitations of the Google Cached Pages?


Everything has pros and cons and so do Google Cached Pages. Though there are tons of benefits of google cached pages there are some limitations that you have to keep in mind and be careful.

- Not A Full Disclosure of Google Algorithm: Cache files are just a small idea of how the google algorithm works on the website pages but google has so much more to do and does not leak that information to anyone else. So as the best website development company we do not suggest fully relying on the cache files, instead, use them for small ideas.

- Cache Pages Can Be Inaccurate: The cached pages are a raw and rough representation of the HTML but they don't need to be 100% correct. Also, cache files are old HTML, so it is not as useful for the best SEO company to improve the site rankings.

How Can You View the Google Cached Pages?


As cache pages are a very useful tool, especially for the professionals who are working in the best website development company and SEO company in India. So if you want to open the google cached pages then these are steps you can follow to open that.

- Start With a Google Search: If you want to view the Google cached pages you need to search a website or webpage on google first. Once you get the wanted search result you will notice a downward arrow or set of three vertical dots right next to the URL. This arrow or vertical dots will take you to your destination.

- Click On the Dots or Arrows: This is a list button and it can either be denoted as a downward arrow or the three dots but both will take you to the same place. When the person from your web design development company will click on this, there will be an option right in front of the cache. Click on that.

- You Will be Able to View Cached Page: This is where you will be able to view the cached page which can help in getting the best website development services as well as the best SEO services for your website. Analyze the view properly and set techniques that can also help your site in a way that it will rank better.

- Alternative Way: Though the steps discussed above are very simple and there is no way to get stuck in those, still, our digital marketing company's experts care so we are telling you a simple alternative way too. In this you just have to type the word 'cache' in the front of the page URL, the page you are trying to search. This way you will directly reach the cache page.

When To Use Google Cached Pages?


As we discussed earlier the benefits of cached pages are the same reason for which the cached pages need to be used. For instance:

- Cached pages need to be used when the site's pages are slow or the website is slow and unresponsive.
- Cached pages need to be used for optimizing the SEO of the website.
- Cached pages need to be used to get the knowledge of how your website is indexed online.



In the article, we not only discussed what are google cached pages and how to view them, but we also discussed its benefits which are being used by almost every top-notch website development company as well as an SEO company. Not limited to this but the article also speaks about its limitation which helps you be careful and also when to use it for effective results. For more information on this topic or to avail our services, visit

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